About Us

AT4Kids, the center for assistive technology at LTVEC, has served school districts across the East Tennessee region since 1999. We are excited to announce that we were recently chosen to serve as the provider of assistive technology support and outreach to school systems across the state through the new Tennessee Technical Assistance Network (TN-TAN). We are creating a wide range of instructional resources, guides, tip sheets, etc. for sharing and will be able to assist districts with questions about providing AT services to your students.

We are here to help!

Assistive Technology can be useful to address a wide range of needs


Learning Disabilities

Classroom, curriculum, and assessment accommodations


Physical Disabilities

Environmental and task adaptations to support independence with access to the school and the curriculum


Communication Needs

Assistance with evaluating/addressing the alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) needs of students with communication disorders


Student Consultations

Have a specific question or just need ideas to help with a student?  Give us a call. We are able to visit classrooms for observations to provide recommendations and support without formal assessment. 


IEP Consideration

Our knowledgeable staff are available to participate with the ‘consideration’ process during IEP team meetings and offer guidance for selection of appropriate tools, strategies and interventions.

Classroom Screenings

We strongly believe in the use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and are able to provide onsite support for recommendations that create global classroom changes for the benefit of all students.


Staff Training

AT4Kids can provide professional development support on a 1:1 basis, in small groups, or district-wide.  In addition,  AT4Kids routinely hosts large-scale training events on a range of educational topics across the state.

Individual Student Referral

Our RESNA certified staff will work collaboratively with the child’s team to complete a formal AT assessment to address identified areas of need. At4Kids will provide devices from our lending inventory for classroom trials, assist with procurement of all tools/technologies, and provide training for staff, student, and family members to assure classroom implementation and carryover. (parental permission is required)


Student Assessment Referral Process

  • Print and complete the “AT REQUEST FOR EVALUATION FORM”.

  • Send completed form to your Special Education Supervisor for approval.

  • After this has been approved and faxed by the central office to us, we will contact you with directions for gathering student information and set up a date/time for our initial visit.

  • Complete all parts of the “STUDENT INTAKE PACKET,” which includes a parent permission form.


District contracts are all-inclusive, meaning there are no fees for any service. Teachers and team members may call for support at any time. If you are outside of our districts, please contact us for a quote.

Meet Our Team.


Janice Reese, M.Ed., OT/L, ATP
RESNA certified AT Specialist

Janice has more than 30 years’ experience in occupational therapy and assistive technology. She has served as director of AT4Kids since 2002 and attained AT certification through RESNA in 2005. Her specialty focus includes AAC interventions and adaptations for physical disabilities. She is coordinator for the TN-Talks AAC project for districts in the Upper and Mid-Cumberland regions and also serves as Lead Coordinator of the Tennessee Association for Assistive Technology (TAAT) annual conference.